Hermes Help Page


  I recommend these software, because i know they work and I use them regularly. The web is not a safe place anymore and you must protect your privacy at all cost. I have no special interest in promoting these programs.  


Ad-aware SE (free)

You may download Ad-aware from  the Lavasoft web site. I highly recommend this utility specially if you buy the full package of Ad-aware SE Professional from the Lavasoft site.




Excellent utility for removing Trojan horses (free)




A small utility that finds programs that highjack your home page (free)



I only use Firefox as my browser


 Get Firefox!



Stay away from the AOL browser that is a water down version of IE



Use a fire wall specially Zone Alarm get it at




Excellent hard drive utility (XP uses a lite version of Diskeeper for Disk Defragmenter) I recommend the full version from Executive Software (free trial ware available)



Please note: All these files are to be used "as is" I have checked them for viruses






Remember "Backup your files often"



